Tuesday 6 January 2009

Best Herb from your kitchen

Some of the best plants for health can be found in your kitchen. One of the most effective means of obtaining medicinal plants in the form of dyes. The alcoholic extract of plants that can be taken with water. Alternatively, take the majority of herbal tea or a standardized extract capsules.

This grass is responsible for the renewed interest in medicine by plants and other extras. When a German chemist found a way to make a dry, started the company, which sells the garage of his 20 million pounds per year of garlic supplements. Long used to treat lung disease, garlic is known to be a valuable tool in the treatment of heart disease. Scientifically proven to reduce cholesterol, reduce blood pressure and blood less sticky, thus reducing the risk of clots.

Lemon Balm
The Greeks used this herb to improve memory, relieve headaches and overcome depression. Using the most advanced in the use of anti-viral. The use of grass will also help strengthen the immune system.

Rhodiola root
Also known as the Artic base has been widely used to treat mental illness in Russia and there are drugs used to balance the psychiatrists. The best plants to treat depression, but as a drug used to treat depression. Rhodiola popularity is due to a large extent, this is an important element in many love potions. Poles in the Arctic regions of eastern Siberia, said the increase Rhodiola force and contribute to long life. The Russian government has on athletes, soldiers and politicians for many years. Adaptogens are herbs that can help normalize body chemistry and increase resistance to stress and adaptation of all kinds. People are Rhodiola showed high levels of beta-endorphin, relieve stress, feel good analgesic peptide.

Agnus castus
This grass is of great importance to women, especially those with PMT (premenstrual tension). When I suggested to my clients PMT symptoms that women are beginning to use the dye, it was reported that the permanent physical symptoms such as cramping, nausea and chest pain - no. Emotional teariness to enable them to return to Half-Life for three months during the year to enjoy. Grass on the balance between the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body.

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